For all stages of pregnancy - beginners welcome!
From the moment of conception to the day of birth your body will be changing EVERY day - ranging from subtle hormonal changes to growing the visible baby bump. This means stress for your body and can result in musculo-skeletal issues which may cause discomfort and pain. Mental challenges like mood swings - often related to hormonal imbalances - or episodes of anxiety are also common in pregnancy.
Our Prenatal yoga classes are designed to meet the needs and challenges of mums-to-be in all stages of pregnancy and include both Hatha and Kundalini Yoga. While Hatha yoga has a focus on good posture and healthy movement habits, Kundalini Yoga is particularly helpful for breathing, stress relief, and a positive mindset. We address common issues such as SPD (Symphysis Pubis Disorder) or back pain, and practise various moves and breathing techniques that can be helpful during labour.
Intensity: gentle – medium
Level: all; no previous yoga experience required. In case of existing health conditions, please consult with your doctor first and inform us before attending the class.
Class times: Saturdays, 11:30am - 12:30pm
Investment: $28/session (in-studio)
Stage 1: 4-16 Weeks Postpartum
Postnatal Yoga "Foundations" is a specialised 6-week program for mums from approx. 6-16 weeks postpartum.
Establish healthy breath & movement patterns to assist postpartum recovery and build solid foundations for future activities! Increased breath and body awareness not only help to avoid common postural issues in both exercise and day-to-day life, but also improve the mental wellbeing of the new mum.
The course includes:
6 in-person sessions at our studio in a personalised small-group setting (max. 5 people, one session/week)
practice suggestions for each week per email
The course covers:
Reconnecting to your breath -
How breathing affects other structures & systems in your body
Pelvic stability & spinal alignment
Moving with the breath – establishing healthy movement patterns
Relaxation & mindfulness techniques
Babies welcome! We are nursing & nappy changing friendly - no need to leave the class when attending to your child.
Prerequisites: No previous yoga experience required.
Fridays: 11:30am - 12:30pm >> new course starting 23.02.2024
NOTE: There are still 2 spots available. If you would like to join, email us at hello@thestudioaltona.com.au
Investment: $199.00 for 6 sessions @ 60 min
Stage 2: 12+ Weeks Postpartum
Once you have successfully completed the 6-week intensive course or a similar form of early postpartum program you are ready to join our ongoing Mums & Bubs Yoga. This class is the ideal continuation of the Foundation program and the next step towards a regular yoga/movement practice.
The classes are based on the principles of holistic movement as practised in the 6-week program but take the Postnatal yoga practice to the next level. Expect more standing poses and longer holds as well as some stronger breathwork.
The class is suitable for infants up to about 9 months, or when they begin to move around the room independently. However, despite the name, you are welcome to come alone and enjoy the class child-free.
We are nursing & nappy changing friendly - no need to leave the class when attending to your child.
TIP: Bring your baby carrier!
Prerequisites: Postnatal Foundations 6-week program or similar. You already want to have a good sense of your pelvic floor and be familiar with the principles of healthy movement.
Class time: TBC
Investment: $28.00/session - For more pricing options please go HERE.
Studio - all services
69 Blyth Street
Altona 3018
Beach Yoga (October - April)
corner Esplanade/Davies St
Altona 3018
ENQUIRIES: 0411 169 072 | hello@thestudioaltona.com.au | FB/IG @thestudioaltona